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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1. 1933-34

Fragment ID: 16792


You have said in your book The Mother: “It is only the very highest supramental Force descending from above and opening from below that can victoriously handle the physical nature.” What do you imply by “opening from below”? Is not “below” still unconscious of the Divine?

Wherever the Divine is, everything is – it is only concealed, not manifest. The Divine is there below in the inconscience itself, mind and life are concealed in Matter, so is Supermind and Sachchidananda. The below is not something outside the Divine Existence. But as mind manifested in Matter only after the descent of Mind opened it into action, so it is with Supermind. You have not noticed the word “opening” which implies that it was shut in there and concealed.