Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 2. 1935
Fragment ID: 16884
You wrote yesterday, “the whole working is in the body separately.” A few days back you had said that it was the subconscient that was mostly dealt with. Well?
A great part of the body consciousness is subconscient and the body-consciousness and the subconscient are closely bound together. The body and the physical do not coincide – the body-consciousness is only part of the whole physical consciousness1.
If the inner being keeps separate then it is all right. The inertia will be worked out of the external being.
1 According to Sri Aurobindo. the physical consciousness includes the physical mind and the physical-vital as well as the consciousness of the gross material body. Therefore, the last-named does not coincide with the whole physical consciousness but is only a part of it.