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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1935

Fragment ID: 16957


Two little girls were on a journey. When nearing their mother’s house they were attacked by people who began throwing stones at them. However they reached their destination quite safely. I sent you the above dream yesterday but you did not comment on it. So I presume you want me to interpret it myself. Well, I shall attempt it. The two little girls represent my psychic being and my self or spirit. Marching from the world of strife and struggle, darkness and falsehood, they were going back to their Mother-Soul. People’s stone-throwing may indicate the resistance of the earth-nature. But nothing can touch those who are guarded by the Mother’s Grace on the way. When the girls were near to their goal something from above fell on one of them. That something could be taken as a crown upon the one representing the self. For my psychic being is as yet behind the progress of my self. Well?

It may very well be the true interpretation.