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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1935

Fragment ID: 17412


If the sadhana continues like that, it would just be a fit board to jump into the higher planes of consciousness. As the Mother’s sweet love and grace are with me such jumps would be safe and easy.

I would like to know if today’s state has come as a natural development of my sadhana. Or is it only due to some higher pressure1 which when it withdraws carries away also the dynamic peace and silence?

It is certainly due to the higher pressure, but it has to become normal.


1 During the course of sadhana and especially in the preliminary stages, some higher pressure brings in many experiences. Sometimes their influence is so great and powerful that their glow is felt even in the outer being. At times the same experience prolongs itself for days together. All this combined creates a strong and vivid impression that it is a state that has come to stay and not merely a passing experience.
