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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1935

Fragment ID: 17678


When I suggested about drawing a line, I thought that it would be possible for me to impose a complete surrender on my outer being. For three days I have been trying to do it.

The outer nature is losing all interest and joy in responding to the higher knowledge. It says: “What is the use of spending time in bringing down the higher knowledge, it has now no value as Sri Aurobindo doesn’t put his comments on what I write? How am I to know that all I write is from the higher source without his written approval, for it could be a mixture of my own mind or of some non-spiritual planes?”

All these suggestions are absolutely absurd. It is the ego rising up again and wanting to be patted on the back and told how clever it is and how much knowledge it is getting.

You yourself wrote that the knowledge was not yours, but the Mother’s and objected to my writing “You are right”. If it is the Mother’s knowledge coming down in you why should I have to say “Yes, no” or “Right, wrong” to it? It is the knowledge which you need that the Mother is giving you – if there is any mixture of your own, I shall point it out to you. If there is none, why should I put in unnecessary approving comments on it? It was your own psychic that made you suggest putting the line so as to get rid of the remnant of the old ego that was secretly feeding on my comments and it was to help in that that I kept silence.

You wrote, I suppose, to help your communion with the Mother and lay what comes in you physically before her, not to get her mental approval or praise. If there is anything to say, you can trust in me to say it – if there is no remark called for, you should leave me free to keep silence. That is the rule I keep always with those who have advanced sufficiently – not to need mental encouragement or explanations at every step. It seems to me that you have advanced far enough for that also.