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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1935

Fragment ID: 17772


Is it not a fact that the mind, vital and physical are integrally woven into each other and that to separate them and put each one in its proper place is no easy task.

When the mind alone is realising the self, the vital and physical will constantly try to disturb it. (One cannot do this realisation in all these beings together.) Thus the necessity of separating them becomes inevitable. Do you think that they all can be fundamentally separated without the help of the supra-mental planes, the planes above the human mind?

There are many planes above man’s mind – the supra-mental is not the only one, and on all of them the self can be realised,– for they are all spiritual planes.

Mind, vital and physical are inextricably mixed together only on the surface consciousness – the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical are separate from each other. Those who seek the self by the old Yogas separate themselves from mind, life and body and realise the self of it from these things. It is perfectly easy to separate mind, vital and physical from each other without the aid of supermind. It is done by the ordinary Yogas.