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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1935

Fragment ID: 17813


It seems to me, Lord, that my physical body is opening to the Mother’s experiences. There is nothing to be said about the peace and silence – they appear to be there all the time, but something else happened yesterday. The subconscient inertia arose, and I put the whole of my concentration on it. I felt at the same time that the Mother’s Force was working in the nerves of my left hand. It was a concrete experience.

Another thing. I cannot quite make out why I need to be inactive in order to observe the experiences of the physical. Could one of the reasons be that at present I am doing that part of the sadhana which is concerned with the static side?

Every morning from half past four to half past nine the subnature seems to remain active in a fixed rhythm. It would really be a shame if I allowed its working passively. I try and try to bring down something by long and single-minded concentration, but nothing happens that can change this condition.

One night after the evening Meditation the Mother showed me a dynamic and positive way by awakening the psychic and the self’s fire, but again a more passive state got in and her method was suspended.

I know the time has now come when I must take up seriously the reins of the nature and control it. The old way of remaining as a passive observer should become a matter of the past. But I don’t know how this step could possibly be taken with such an increasing passivity.

The dynamic action when it comes acts without disturbing the silence and peace. There is the vast peace and silence and in that the Force or the Will works to do what is necessary – in that also is the action of Agni or the psychic.