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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3. 1936-37

Fragment ID: 18613


Often a new thing descends from above, increases in power for a time, then begins to disperse and finally fades away completely.

It is because only a part of the being receives it and only as an experience, not as a settled or a dynamic realisation in the nature -even in that part of the nature.

Merely to have experiences of the higher consciousness will not change the nature. Either the higher consciousness has to make a dynamic descent into the whole being and change it – or it must establish itself in the inner being down to the inner physical so that the latter feels itself separate from the outer and is able to act freely upon it – or the psychic must come forward and change the nature – or the inner will must awake and force the nature to change. These are the four ways in which change can be brought about.