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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3. 1936-37

Fragment ID: 18667


You wrote, “But it was the natural and right movement of the descent of Force. I don’t see what is there that is not understandable.” I felt the Force like a whole armour at a standstill, whereas the action of the Force the other day was quite different. At that time I felt the forces descending one by one and meeting the lower resistance. Therefore I could not understand what this armour-like stillness was – whether it was only remaining still or passing into processes.

If there was stillness like an armour, a Force merely at a standstill and like a whole armour – what ground has the mind for speculating whether it is passing into processes? The experience must be taken as it is – the mind ought not to speculate whether it is not something quite different from what the observation sees it to be. Because the Force descends one day as an active and aggressive force, it does not follow that it cannot descend another day as a static and defensive one.