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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3. 1936-37

Fragment ID: 18752


W told me, “It was a mistake on your part not to inform the Mother about your body which is so thin and weak.” Kindly tell me what to do to improve it.

Do not bother about it and increase your faith in the Divine’s Grace.


In fact I can assure you that the pain in the stomach as well as many other discomforts are due 90% to wrong thinking and wrong imaginations – I mean that the material basis for them is practically negligible.

With love and blessings.

Je suis contente que vous vous soyez ressaisi et j’espere que semblable chose ne se repetera plus.

I am pleased that you have recovered and I hope that nothing similar will happen again.

Je vous enverrai le livre [Prieres et Meditations de la Mere] demain; mais il faut bien etudier la grammaire si vous voulez comprendre ce que vous lisez.

I shall send you the book [Prayers and Meditations of the Mother] tomorrow; but you must study grammar well if you want to understand what you read.