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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3. 1936-37

Fragment ID: 18780


When I speak of the Mother’s Force I do not speak of the force of the Prakriti which carries on things of the Ignorance but of the higher Force of the Divine that descends from above to transform the nature. The Mother’s Force is the manifestation of the Mother herself. . . .

It is the Divine Force which works to remove the ignorance and change the nature into the divine Nature.

We little human beings can never fathom the full glory of the Mother’s personality. Such is the case with the Mother’s Force too. How much potency it must have that it not only removes the Ignorance but also changes and transforms the nature into the divine Nature, a process which was never attempted in the old Yogas. Sri Aurobindo tried to enlighten me further about the workings of this Force in my correspondence: