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Patel, Govindbhai

My Pilgrimage to the Spirit

My Pilgrimage to the Spirit

Fragment ID: 18911

(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)

Sri Aurobindo — Patel, Govindbhai

March 12, 1932

[One letter on the psychic being and a conversation about the parts of the being were sent to Sri Aurobindo for correction: ]

This is certainly not a letter of mine, for it is full of mistakes in English and sometimes the things are not properly expressed. It has perhaps been taken down from something I said or is a summary or incorrect copy. But the things said are correct and useful and I am keeping it for correction.

The conversation you sent me is not of much use as it stands. It is either an incorrect report or it has put together what I said partially and without the proper sequence. I will work at it again.