Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
1. The Mother: Individual, Universal, Transcendent
Fragment ID: 18924
Am I right in thinking that the Mother as an individual embodies all the Divine Powers and brings down the Grace more and more to the physical plane...
and that her embodiment is a chance for the entire physical to change and be transformed?
It is a chance for the earth-consciousness to receive the supramental into it and to undergo first the transformation necessary for that to be possible. Afterwards there will be a farther transformation by the supramental, but the whole earth-consciousness will not be supramentalised – there will be first a new race representing the supermind, as man represents the mind.
The more we open individually to the Mother’s Light and Force, the more her power is established in the universal – is it not so?
It is the transforming power that is established – the universal Power is always there.
13 August 1933