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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

1. The Mother: Individual, Universal, Transcendent

Fragment ID: 18974

My heart is aspiring for the Self, the Atman. I feel this Atman as the Lord of my being. I have to do all that I do for its sake, in order to make it the absolute master of myself.

It is the Divine who is the Master – the Self is inactive, it is always a silent wideness supporting all things – that is the static aspect. There is also the dynamic aspect through which the Divine works – behind that is the Mother. You must not lose sight of that, that it is through the Mother that all things are attained.

Again I feel that this Self is not only the Lord of this being, but that I myself am this Self. All these feelings are within myself, not above me; they come down from above.

Essentially everybody is the Self – but take care to avoid the idea that you are the Lord – for that may raise up the ego.

8 October 1934