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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

2. The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19026

I want to ask whether the idea of the Mother is the same as that of God. I thought that what we call Sri Aurobindo’s Light or the Supramental Light leads to the realisation of God, while the realisation of the Mother is the realisation of Consciousness going parallel and also beyond in its separateness. If the One is the Mother, then does Sri Aurobindo’s Light lead to something different, such as the ideals of the Upanishads – the realisation of the Purusha etc.? These differences never seem to meet in oneness.

I wrote once before that these ideas about the separation between the Mother and myself and our paths being different or our goal different are quite erroneous. Our path is the same; our goal too is the same – the Supramental Divine.

24 February 1932