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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

2. The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19047

Is there really any difference between the Guru, the Divine and the Truth in our Yoga? I have been considering that the Mother and yourself are not only the Gurus but also the Divine, and that whatever either of you say is the law of the Truth. Why then are you using these three different words?1

I wrote the general law of spiritual life and obedience. You have to know that as well as its special application here. Moreover many here are satisfied with saying “The Mother is divine,” but they do not follow her commands. Others do not really regard her as Divine – they treat her as if she were an ordinary Guru.

13 June 1933


1 See letter of 12 June 1933, published on page 672 of Letters on Himself and the Ashram”, volume 35 of “The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo”. – Ed.
