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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

2. The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19079

Your remark of yesterday, “There is no quarrel on the Mother’s part, the quarrel is with me”, intrigues me. The basis of my quarrel with the Mother is that I do not feel her, so we have no dealings with each other. Whereas you are always with me, so how can there be any quarrel with you? I recognise, of course, my arrogance, egoism and pride in this matter.

If you listen to the inspirations of the Asura against the Mother that brings a quarrel with me – just as if you did anything against me, it will land you in a quarrel with her. It is precisely this arrogance, egoism and pride that make it difficult for you to feel the Mother.

11 April 1933