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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

2. The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19114

While meditating today I received the Mother’s peace and light and joy. Then for a short time I went deep inside and suddenly saw a tiger standing in front of me. Seeing the tiger, I kept calling the Mother and went near it. Then the tiger vanished and in its place stood a very beautiful boy and girl. A blue light came out from the boy’s body and a white light from the girl’s. They told me, “Let us go to the infinite God.” I was walking with them and then I woke up. Who was the tiger and the boy and girl? Why did they tell me that?

The tiger is some force that appears hostile. If you face it with the Mother’s name, the hostile force disappears and in its place come two Powers (the children) from myself (the blue light) and the Mother (the white light). It is probably an image of the vital under the influence of the psychic. At first it is inhabited by the tiger (anger, passion, desire etc.) – but as soon as the psychic influence masters it, that disappears and it is replaced by the Divine Children calling you to the Divine.

3 April 1933