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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

2. The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19118

In my dream two nights ago, I bowed down to a dark complexioned gentleman who was the devil, and devotionally too! How to discriminate before such a thing is done? Powers come to allure one and it is harmful to accept them, but how to recognise them? And in this case I recognised that this devil did not resemble you, but still I bowed. Sometimes in dream we have met the Mother in quite a different appearance, and still you said it was the Mother who came to us. Then?

Necessarily, Mother can manifest in many other forms besides her physical one, and though I am rather less multitudinous, I can also. But that does not mean that you can take any gentleman for me or any she for her. Your dream-self has to develop a certain discrimination. That discrimination cannot go by signs and forms, for the vital beggars can imitate almost anything, it must be intuitive.

23 May 1935