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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

3. The Mother and the Practice of the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19168

Sri Aurobindo says in reply to your letter1 that you can meditate on the Mother in the heart and call on her – remember her and dedicate or offer to her all your life and thoughts and actions. If you like you can make a japa of her name. You can call to her to purify your being and change your nature.

Or you can concentrate to call down from above you (where it always is) first her calm and peace, then her power and light and her ananda. It is always there above the head – but superconscient to the human mind – by aspiration and concentration it can become conscient to it and the adhar can open to it so that it descends and enters into mind, life and body.

14 March 1933


1 Written by Sri Aurobindo to his secretary, who replied to the enquirer. – Ed.
