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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

3. The Mother and the Practice of the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19262

There must be something soiled in human love – otherwise why should I feel like this? After some problem with X in which he told me some unpleasant things, my vital got disturbed and my mind got confused. I kept remembering the incident over and over instead of remembering the Mother. I have come here for her – why then do my mind and vital want to make contact with human beings and acquire their narrow love and affection? Tell me now what I should do.

These are the usual weaknesses of the human nature when it makes relations with human beings – there are always these clashes and difficulties and turmoil in the vital. If you want to be free from them, do what we have already told you – look on all with a kindly feeling, as children of the Mother, but without any special relation and without any expectation from anybody. Yoga demands an equanimity of mind towards all things and persons.

17 November 1933