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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

3. The Mother and the Practice of the Integral Yoga

Fragment ID: 19625

These suggestions are what we call hostile suggestions – they come from a Force which is wandering about in the atmosphere trying to do harm to the sadhana. Its suggestions are always the same, to whomever they come – the suggestion of going away, the suggestion of unfitness and failure, this suggestion of madness, and a certain fixed number of others with the same purpose. There is only one thing to do with them – never to listen to them; one must reply as you have done and dismiss them summarily from the consciousness. If one takes this simple stand, “I have come for the Yoga – I will allow nothing to divert me from my aim; I have the demand of the soul within and the help and protection of the Mother”, then these things can no longer approach or approach in vain.

I am glad you have the aspiration and the push awake; it is always bound to revive after every interval and to carry you farther. Keep it and progress.

17 March 1934