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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

4. The Mother in the Life of the Ashram

Fragment ID: 19677

I am sure there are reasons for everything the Mother does and that what she does is suited to the needs of each one, but the vital does not believe it, and it is not yet well established in the mind. How can I make my vital being understand that the Mother is never partial?

One way is to have entire faith in the Mother – the other is to believe that she is wiser than yourself and must have reasons for everything she does which are better than your mind’s judgments.

And how can this understanding be firmly established in my mind, so that it does not yield to any temptation?

It should be established – that is all. So long as the vital or mental think themselves wiser than the Mother and able to judge her how do you expect these stupidities to disappear?

22 March 1934