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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

4. The Mother in the Life of the Ashram

Fragment ID: 19747

When these things [anger, depression, etc.] come you should always try to get back at once to the position you have taken of leaving all to the Mother,– your own difficulties, but also the stumbles of others,– X ’s rages (he behaves with everybody like that), Y’s moods and all.

It would not matter so much about occasional anger coming – these recurrences happen with everybody so long as the peace is not settled permanently in the consciousness. What matters is the suggestions that come, about death and going away and the rest of it. These you must throw away at once. They have no reason for existence when the inner working has begun and the Mother’s Force is sure to carry you through. Remain firm within and recover your quietude.

6 July 1936