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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

5. On Three Works of the Mother

Fragment ID: 20258

There are some lines in Entretiens which I do not find in the English Conversations. For example, in the conversation about hostile forces, the Mother speaks about some “êtres pervers et hostiles de plus grande envergure et d’une plus haute origine que tous ceux dont j’ai parlé jusqu’à présent” [p. 69]. These new hostiles are not of the lower cosmic plane. If they are of a “plus haute origine”, they must belong to the higher worlds. Does this mean that the hostiles exist in the higher worlds up to the Supramental?

I believe the Mother was referring to the mental Asuras as opposed to the vital hostiles. There are no hostiles above the mind and cannot be, for it is with the mind that the opposition begins.

When the Conversations were translated, Mother made certain corrections so as to express the thought better than in the original report.

19 October 1935