Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Yoga
1. The Supramental Evolution
Fragment ID: 20264
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Sri Aurobindo — Unknown addressee
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“From beauty to greater beauty, from joy to intenser
joy, by an especial adjustment of
the senses” – yes, that would be the normal course of a divine manifestation,
however gradual, in Matter. “Discordant sound and offensive odour” are creations
of a disharmony between consciousness and Nature and do not exist in themselves;
they would not be present to
a liberated
and harmonised consciousness, for they would be foreign to its being, nor would
they afflict a rightly developing harmonised soul and Nature. Even the “belching
volcano, crashing thunderstorm and whirling typhoon” are in themselves grandiose
and beautiful things and only harmful or terrible
to a consciousness unable to meet or deal with them or make a pact
with the spirits of Wind
and Fire.
You are assuming that the manifestation from the Inconscient must be what it is
now and here and that no other kind of world of Matter was possible, but the
harmony of material Nature in itself shows that it need not necessarily be a
discordant, evil, furiously perturbed and painful creation – the psychic being,
if allowed to manifest from the first in Life and Mind and lead
the evolution instead of being relegated behind
the veil, would have been the principle of a harmony
ever outflowing
: everyone who has felt the psychic at work
within him, free
of the vital
intervention, can at once see that this would be its effect because of its
unerring perception, true choice, harmonic action. If it has not been so, it is
because the Dark Powers have made Life a claimant instead of an instrument. The
reality of the Hostiles and the nature of their role and trend of their
endeavour cannot be doubted by anyone who has had his inner vision unsealed and
made their unpleasant acquaintance.
1 Letters on Savitri: a special
2 Letters on Savitri: in
3 CWSA, volume 28: horrible
4 CWSA, volume 28: of the Wind
5 CWSA, volume 28: Life and lead
6 CWSA, volume 28: harmonious
7 Letters on Savitri: outflowing; CWSA, volume 28: outflowering
8 CWSA, volume 28: freed
Current publication:
Sri Aurobindo. Letters on Yoga // SABCL.- Volume 22. (≈ 28 vol. of CWSA).- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1971.- 502 p.
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