Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 20298
The former pitch1 continues, as far as I can see, up to Light, then it begins to come down to an intuitivised Higher Mind in order to suit the change of the subject, but it is only occasionally that it is pure Higher Mind – a mixture of the intuitive or illumined is usually there except when some truth has to be stated to the philosophic intelligence in as precise a manner as possible.
1 The question referred to the whole shorter and somewhat different 1936 version of the opening of Savitri and sought to compare the planes of two passages concerned solely with the Dawn, in the first of which a direct luminosity was discerned and in the second a shift to the Higher Mind. Sri Aurobindo’s answer is quoted because it seems applicable in general where-ever in Savitri the Higher Mind comes into play.