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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

Fragment ID: 20629

There are two different states, that which the consciousness takes in concentration and that which it takes in relaxation – the latter is the ordinary consciousness (ordinary for the sadhak though not perhaps the ordinary consciousness of the average man), the former is what he is attaining to by Tapas of concentration in sadhana. To go into the Akshara and witness experiences from there is easy for the sadhak who has got so far. He can also concentrate and maintain the unification of the main aspects of his being, although with more difficulty – but a relaxation there brings him back to the relaxed ordinary consciousness. It is only when what is gained by sadhana becomes normal to the ordinary consciousness that this can be avoided. In proportion as this is done, it becomes possible not only to experience the truth subjectively, but make it manifest in action.