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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

Fragment ID: 20708


I think it needful at this stage of your sadhana to repeat my previous warning about, not allowing any vital mixture. It is the crudity of the unregenerated vital that prevents the psychic from remaining always at the front. You have now seen clearly the two different consciousnesses – the psychic and the vital. To get rid of the old vital nature is one of the pressing needs of your sadhana. You are trying to get rid of the vital attachments and to turn entirely to the Mother. At this juncture you must be careful not to allow the movements of the old vital nature to enter into your relations with the Mother; if you do, the vital will begin to play, to create demands and desires, and that would push your psychic being into the background and spoil the whole truth of your sadhana.