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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

Fragment ID: 20719

You speak of insincerity in your nature. If insincerity means the unwillingness of some part of the being to live according to the highest light one has or to equate the outer with the inner man, then this part is always insincere in all. The only way is to lay stress on the inner being and develop in it the psychic and spiritual consciousness till that comes down in it which pushes out the darkness from the outer man also.

I have never said that the vital is to have no part in the love for the Divine, only that it must purify and ennoble itself in the light of the psychic being. The results of self-loving love between human beings are so poor and contrary in the end – that is what I mean by the ordinary vital love – that I want something purer and nobler and higher in the vital also for the movement towards the Divine.