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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

Fragment ID: 20737


Well, I have said already that quarrels, cuttings are not a part of sadhana: the clashes and friction you speak of are, just as in the outside world, rubbings of the vital ego. Antagonisms, antipathies dislikes, quarrellings can no more be proclaimed as part of sadhana than sex-impulses or acts can be part of sadhana. Harmony, goodwill, forbearance, equanimity are necessary ideals in the relation of sadhak with sadhak. One is not bound to mix, but if one keeps to oneself, it should be for reasons of sadhana, not out of other motives: moreover, it should be without any sense of superiority or contempt for others..... If somebody finds that association with another for any reason raises undesirable vital feelings in him or her – he or she :an certainly withdraw from that association as a matter of prudence until he or she gets over the weakness. But. ostentation of avoidance or public cuttings are not included in the necessity and betray feelings that equally ought to be overcome.