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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

Fragment ID: 20742

Whatever may be the glamour of a vital love, once it falls away and one gets to a higher level, it should be seen to have been not the great thing one imagined. To keep this exaggerated estimate of it is to hold the consciousness back from the pull towards I the greater thing with which that cannot for a moment compare. If one keeps an exaggerated feeling like that for an inferior past, it must make it more difficult to develop the entire person for a higher I future. It is indeed not the Mother’s wish that anybody should look back in a spirit of enthusiastic appreciation to the old vital love. It was indeed “so little” in any true estimate of things. It is not at all a question of comparison or of extolling the vital passion of one at the expense of that of the other. It is the whole thing that must dwindle in its proportions and recede into the shadowy constructions of the past that have no longer any importance.