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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Third Series

Fragment ID: 20998

The psychic has two aspects – the soul principle itself which contains all soul possibilities and the psychic being which develops from life to life. The psychic being usually expresses itself through its instruments,– mental, vital, physical,– putting as much of its own stamp on them as possible. But it can seldom put on them the full psychic stamp – until it comes out and takes over the direct government of the nature. It can then receive and express. all the spiritual realisations. But the turn of the psychic is different from that of the above-head planes; it has less of greatness, power, wideness, more of sweetness, delicate beauty, beauty of emotion also, fine subtlety of true perception, an intimate language,. etc. – Arnold’s expression “sweetness and light” can very well be applied to the psychic as the kernel of its nature. The spiritual planes, when they take up these, give them a wider utterance, powerful audacity, strength and space.