Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Forth Series
Fragment ID: 21151
See largest or earliest found fragment here
Sri Aurobindo — Unknown addressee
September 14, 1933
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I don’t remember the context; but I suppose he means that when one has to escape from the lower dharma, one has often to renounce it so as to arrive at a larger one, e.g., social duties, paying debts, looking after family, help
to serve your country etc., etc. The man who turns to the spiritual life, has to leave all that behind him, often and he is reproached by lots of people for his adharma. But if he does not do this adharma, he is bound for ever to the lower life – for there is always some duty there to be done – and cannot take up the spiritual dharma or can do it only when he is old and his faculties impaired.
1 CWSA, volumes 28, 35: break
2 CWSA, volumes 28, 35: helping
Current publication:
Sri Aurobindo. Letters of Sri Aurobindo: In 4 Series.- Forth Series [On Yoga].- Bombay: Sri Aurobindo Sircle, 1951.- 652 p.
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