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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Forth Series

Fragment ID: 21384

This is the meaning of your experiences:

1. The power of the Divine Mother from above is descending upon you and the pressure you feel on your head and the workings of which you are aware are hers. Put yourself completely into her hands, have entire confidence, observe carefully and accurately all that happens and write them here. There is no need of special instructions since what is needed is being done for you.

2. The first pressure was on your mind. The centres of the mind are (a) the head and above it, (b) the centre of the forehead between the eyes, (c) the throat and the vital mental (emotional) and sensational mind centres from the breast downward. It is this latter which is the first prāṇa of which you become aware. The action of the Power was to widen these two parts of you and raise them up towards the lowest centre of the higher consciousness above your head, so that hereafter they might both be consciously governed from there and that these might both move in a wide universal consciousness not limited by the body.

3. The other prāṇa, the restless one of which you become aware is the vital being, the being of desire and life-movement. The work of the Power has been directed towards quieting the restless movements and making it wide in consciousness as with the mind. The large body you felt was the vital body, not the physical, sthula śarīra.

4. The basis of your sadhana must be silence and quiet. You must remain and grow always more and more deeply quiet and still both in yourself and in your attitude to the world around you. If you can do this, the sadhana is likely to go on progressing and enlarging itself with a minimum of trouble and disturbance. Never mind your family difficulties and say nothing to your people. Go on quietly trusting to the Power that is at work in you.