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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Forth Series

Fragment ID: 21708


The inherent strength of the body does not do things like that. It is the Mother’s Force that does it, when one calls and opens oneself. Even people who never did Yoga and are conscious of nothing, get cured like that without knowing the reason or feeling the way in which it was done. The Force comes from above or in descending it envelopes and comes from without inside or it comes out from inside after descending there. When you are conscious of the play of the Forces, then you feel the working.

It (awakening) means the conscious action of the psychic from behind. When it comes to the front, it invades the mind and vital and body and psychicises their movements. It comes best by aspiration and an unquestioning and entire turning and surrender to the Mother. But also it sometimes comes of itself when the Adhar is ready.