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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Forth Series

Fragment ID: 21722

Nothing is more dangerous than the influences of the physical mind trying to build up conclusions upon outward appearances – they have nine chances out of ten of being false. One must learn to distrust hasty conclusions from surface appearances – is not that the first condition of true knowledge? – and learn to see and know things from within.

You ask, how to stop these movements? To begin with, observe three rules:


Keep always confidence in the Mother’s care and love – trust in them and distrust every suggestion, every appearance that seems to contradict.


Reject immediately every feeling, every impulse that makes you draw back from the Mother – from your true relation with her, from inner nearness, from a simple and straightforward confidence in her.


Do not lay too much stress on outward signs – your observation of them may easily mislead you, Keep yourself open to her and feel with your heart,– the inner heart, not the surface vital desire, but the heart of the true emotion,– there you are more likely to find her and be always near her in yourself and receive what constantly she is working to give you.