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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 22147

A&R.–  1994, December, p. 217

A Letter written by Sri Aurobindo as Editor of Arya

Pondicherry Sept. 3. 1919

Dear Sir,

I regret that not knowing you would require the copy back,– we do not usually return manuscripts,– I have entered upon it certain alterations to indicate the kind of changes which would be needed if you wished to have it published in the “Arya”. The magazine aims at a very high standard of style and thinking, and I make it a rule to admit nothing which is not in my judgment as perfect as possible in both directions. Your poem is noble throughout in idea and has fine lines, but is not throughout of one piece; that is to say, it is written in a high and almost epic strain, but there are dissonant turns and phrases which belong to a lower pitch of writing. I was about to write to you to this effect. I understand from your letter that you wish now to publish the poem elsewhere; but the copy is spoilt for the purpose, though I can return it if you still desire.

Yours sincerely

Aurobindo Ghose
Director, “Arya”