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Sri Aurobindo

Bases of Yoga

Bases of Yoga

Fragment ID: 22164

The words “peace, calm, quiet, silence” have each their own shade of meaning, but it is not easy to define them.

Peace — śānti.

Calm — sthiratā.

Quiet — acañcalatā.

Silence — niścala nīravatā.

Quiet is a condition in which there is no restlessness or disturbance.

Calm is a still unmoved condition which no disturbance can affect — it is a less negative condition than quiet.

Peace is a still more positive condition; it carries with it a sense of .settled and harmonious rest and deliverance.

Silence is a state in which either there is no movement of the mind or vital or else a great stillness which no surface movement can pierce or alter.