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The Mother


Volume 1

July 18, 1957

(Letter to Mother from Satprem)

Pondicherry, July 18, 1957

Sweet Mother,

I have just received a letter from my friends in charge of the French Archaeological Expedition to Afghanistan. They need someone to assist them on their next field excavations (August 15 — December 15) and have offered to take me if I wish to join them.

If I must have some new experience outside, this one has the advantage of being short-termed and not far away from India, and it is also in an interesting milieu. The only disadvantage is that I would have to pay for the trip as far as Kabul. But I don't want to do anything that displeases you or of which you do not really approve. In the event you might feel this to be a worthwhile experience, I would have to leave by the beginning of August.

I place this in your hands, sincerely.

Your child,

Signed: Satprem

in French

in German