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The Mother


Volume 1

Prayers of the Consciousness of the Cells

July 25, 1958

Ô mon doux Maître,

Seigneur Dieu de Bonté

et de Miséricorde.

Ce que tu veux qu'on sache, on le saura, ce que tu veux qu'on fasse, on le fera, ce que tu veux qu'on soit, on le sera – à jamais.

Om – namo – bhagavateh

Car c'est Toi qui es, qui vis, et qui sais – c'est Toi qui fais toute chose et qui es le résultat de toute action.


O my sweet Master,

Lord God of Kindness

and Mercy.

What you want us to know, we shall know, what you want us to do, we shall do, what you want us to be, we shall be – forever.

Om – namo – bhagavateh

For it is You who is, who lives and who knows – it is You who does all things, You who is the result of every action.

*   *

July 25, 1958

O my Lord, my Lord!

What you want of me, let me be.

What you want me to do, let me do.1


1 Original English.








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