The Mother
Volume 6
April 7, 1965
Are you sleeping well?
Not too well, and my sleep isn't conscious: I don't see you.
Oh, mon petit (laughing), sometimes I say to myself, “What a fine thing it must be not to be conscious!”
Constantly, you know, the whole night, without stop, it streams past – there are, of course, moments when I go into a blissful state, but I am not granted that for long. I'd really like to spend at least four or five hours like that, but I am not granted it. Constantly, constantly... and what carryings-on!
I can't say.... It's neither superconscious nor subconscious... I might say it is intraconscious – it's just the underside of things. And then... (Mother shakes her head)
From a semihistorical point of view, it would be very interesting to tell everything that goes on day by day; because it isn't limited to a particular place or a certain number of people: it's a very terrestrial activity. It would be very interesting, of course. But it would take at least an hour or two in the morning to note down the whole night! And I would have to be quite undisturbed, otherwise it all goes away. But it would make tremendous documents.
If I am given some prediction, it's in a very symbolic form, or in a curious form: a form I could call “analogous,” meaning that I am shown analogous facts that occurred in the history of the earth (sometimes the history of the earth that isn't historical, that's prehistorical), and with a special coloration, a little more internal than the plain stark fact; there is along with it a vibration which is at the same time a mixture of thought, feeling and especially force – a force of action. It comes like that with a sort of power of projection into the future (Mother draws a trajectory going from the past event into the future), and in between the two, there is the curve resulting from the terrestrial progress. So, basically, it would be rather interesting... provided there is nothing else to be done!
But it's clearly visible: for instance, a word or a sentence or a gesture or a thought or an impulse that has its vibratory point
specifically somewhere [in the past], and then its whole line of consequences (same gesture of trajectory), its whole curve of consequences. The whole thing, seen at a glance (Mother depicts a screen on which a picture is suddenly frozen). The curve: such and such a thing goes... brrt! over there. But the outcome (which would give a spectacular and high-sounding value producing a considerable effect) is never given to me. No, what would make a reputation of great prophet is never given to me (that's not what I am after, but it's never given). Simply (same gesture of trajectory), such and such a thing will go this way, brrt! and then all this is going to happen, here, here (Mother marks various points along the trajectory); but as for the outcome – silence.
But anyway, you can only note that down if you don't have any work to do! And in fact, it has never been of any use. Do you think prophets have helped men?... I don't think so. What was to happen always happened, and prophets foreseeing it didn't stop it from happening.