The Mother
Volume 9
January 27, 1968
Yesterday I got a letter from the director of the [All India] Radio, in which he said he wanted to make a “spectacular” broadcast on February 21; and at the end, to “crown” the thing, he asked me to give “reminiscences of my life in India”! (Mother laughs) So I've prepared my answer....
“The reminiscences will be short. I came to India to meet Sri Aurobindo, I remained in India to live with Sri Aurobindo, when he left his body I continued to live here in order to do his work which is by serving the Truth and enlightening humanity to hasten the rule of the Divine's Love upon earth.”
There, and that's that. Period.
It came in English and afterwards I put it into French.
«Les réminiscences seront courtes. Je suis venue dans l'Inde pour rencontrer Sri Aurobindo; je suis restée dans l'Inde pour vivre avec Sri Aurobindo; quand il a quitté son corps, j'ai continué à vivre ici pour faire son œuvre: servir la Vérité et éclairer l'humanité afin de hâter le règne sur la terre de l'Amour divin.»
It was Pavitra who read me the gentleman's letter yesterday evening, and while he was reading it, Sri Aurobindo came, and he started laughing! He laughed when the man asked for my reminiscences, and instantly – instantly – I got the answer, instantly. It came like that: “It's quite simple, there isn't much to tell....” But those people don't understand! And Sri Aurobindo told me, “It's high time they learned it.” So it was over in five minutes.
* *
(Then Mother listens to the English translation of the “A Propos” of November 24, 1967, for the next issue of the “Bulletin.”)
At the time of the experience, it's very interesting, because it's an experience and it teaches you something new, you live something
new, but... So you tell your experience, but when afterwards you listen to it again, oh, it sounds like so much fuss about so little.
These experiences, I tell only one of them once in a while – they are innumerable, constant. Each one is very interesting in itself, it teaches you something, a new vision of the world, a new action, but to tell it all... it would be endless, and each experience in itself has only a very relative interest.
This morning again, for an hour I lived in a certain state of consciousness, a certain vision of the world, it was extremely interesting because it was wholly new, but to tell it all in detail.... Anyway I'll let the two of you [Satprem and Nolini] judge, it's for you to decide, it's the same to me!