The Mother
Volume 9
June 22, 1968
Do you have news of P.L.?
No, I just know he's left for Rome.1
He's arrived.
I wonder, because...
You feel something's wrong?
I have a very strong suspicion about the famous “friend” [Msgr. R.], because he was the one who told P.L. to come here (you remember how he insisted P. L. should come), and now he's saying P. L. came here to live with a woman. And he's the one who arranged everything so P.L. would stay with J.!
I have a very strong suspicion.
Haven't they laid a terrible trap for him?...
He's expecting a sort of interrogation.
You remember, it was this Monsignor who sent a telegram to J. asking her to take P.L. in....
To me, these people will stop at nothing.
All the more so as it must now be known that he tried to see the Pope and speak to him about the Ashram.
Yes, of course!
Before he left, he told me he'd had a dream. I think it's a personal symbol, but I don't know. He was in a vital world (he was being chased, I think); he suddenly climbed a tree, which turned into a cross, and he was crucified on it.... That place was on the edge of a sea that seemed leaden. So he climbed that tree, which turned into a cross, and was as if crucified on the
tree; and (you know that at the top of the cross, there is the inscription INRI) instead of that, there was your symbol: Mother's symbol. After that, the cross got as if caught or engulfed by that leaden sea, with only Mother's symbol emerging, remaining on the surface; the cross was engulfed, and little by little the leaden water changed colors and grew transparent. But he, P.L., was engulfed along with the cross.
(After a silence) I saw him before he left; there was around him an atmosphere I didn't like.... Yes, like a man who's going to sacrifice himself.
But he told me he was quite at peace.
As for me, I've done all I could – I've worked well, I've worked a great deal! Because there's nothing, no destiny that cannot be changed. I've done all I could. But I don't like their intention.
Yes, he told me, “Mother is my salvation.”
And I am constantly pulled like this (gesture of a call from there); this morning again I was pulled, with something forcing me to go and work there.
I knew the EXACT moment when he arrived in their atmosphere (now I don't remember), but exactly at that moment I felt it and saw his face.
* *
(Soon afterwards, Mother shows Satprem a letter that has been opened and sealed again.)
There was this Black who was here, he sent me a letter from America: the police opened it.... (Laughing) They wondered if it contained explosives (!)... or God knows what else.
See, they resealed it.
I hope he hasn't written anything compromising!
Look at all this mail! (Mother holds out to Satprem a stack of letters)
Congo... Fiji... Germany... France... America ...
It's every day like that.
I received several letters from America asking me to save
Kennedy,2 and as those letters were opened by the police they must have wondered.... And here they called our A., the American, and questioned him for more than an hour – you know how they do.
But why? Is it directed specially at all Americans?
Yes, it's for the Americans.
But why?
Don't know... They've got it into their minds that we are a “hotbed of American spies”!
* *
(Then Mother listens to the conversation of June 15 about illnesses and the corporeal “residue.”)
In my consciousness there was much more than I said....
Yes, most of the time you were in trance.
There were a lot of things.
But it's no use, I can't give it [for the Notes on the Way].
I was very, very conscious while speaking, but it's difficult to express.
This isn't the time to speak.
But what I said there is getting increasingly confirmed, precise. After some time it will be interesting.
Poor P.L.!
Did he give you any hint of a spirit of sacrifice? He doesn't look like that, but...
No, I didn't get that impression.
Neither did I.
You know what Brother A.3 had said: “I want to be a messenger
to preach the Truth to them, and if for that they torture me, well they will torture me.”
But P. L. doesn't have that sort of spirit. He wants to be of help.
P. L. could be very, very useful if he wanted to – very useful. But there's a little something that resists, I don't know what – maybe like a slight lack of courage somewhere, I don't know what.... When he is in front of difficulty, he is instantly tormented.
That's what bothers me. Because I have put on him enough force for him to pull through in any event, but if inwardly he starts vibrating, it can't work anymore.
I told him that. I told him, “All depends on your tranquillity. If you have trust, nothing can happen to you.”
Oh, good, then perhaps...
But he makes me work hard! (Mother laughs)
We'll see.
1 A telegram from Msgr. R. abruptly recalled P.L. to Rome: “New rules Roman Curia demand your immediate return else your position compromised.”
2 Senator Robert Kennedy, who was shot dead in Los Angeles on June 5.
3 A Catholic monk who stays in the Ashram.