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Talks with Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1

10 December 1938 – 14 January 1941

18 April 1940

Nirodbaran: Somebody, in reviewing Promode Sen’s book on you, says that you are saying new things which are not according to the Shastra.

Sri Aurobindo: The sin of having new ideas? One must speak only of things already said and otiose?

Nirodbaran: He says the outer world is like a dog’s tail.

Sri Aurobindo: That is the old idea. So one has to cut off the tail?

Purani: Vivekananda himself has done many new things.

Sri Aurobindo: One can do new things but can’t have new ideas, I suppose!

Nirodbaran: In the same issue Girija Shankar has started writing your biography.

Sri Aurobindo: Good Lord! What does he know about my life?

Sri Aurobindo cast a glance here and there at the article and read in the last portion: “It was his mother who played a great part in moulding the temperament and character of Sri Aurobindo.’’

Nirodbaran: He writes also that as soon as you heard of your grandfather’s death you cried out, “What a calamity!” (Laughter)

Sri Aurobindo: Not a very original interjection.

Satyendra: The biographers will force you to write your own biography, Sir.

Sri Aurobindo: I shall have to write it just in order to contradict the biographers. I shall have to entitle the book, What I Did Not Do in My Life. (Laughter)


Sri Aurobindo: What is the condition of Narvik? It seems to be a mystery.

Purani: They say it is in British hands.

Sri Aurobindo: Who are they? The British Government? The Germans say it is in their hands. The British have occupied some islands north of Narvik. In that case they will take a long time to come to the South.

Nirodbaran: Chamberlain says they were not at all prepared. All preparations were made at the last moment.

Sri Aurobindo: Yes, so they have sent a small army and the rest is to follow. But in the meantime what will be the condition of the Norwegians?

Satyendra: The Norwegians were so dumbfounded by the sudden invasion that they began to stare at the invaders. It seems some Norwegians have crossed over to Sweden.

Sri Aurobindo: The Swedes have a contempt for them as fighters.

Satyendra: The Germans are trying to divide Norway from the North.

Sri Aurobindo: Yes, at Trondheim, where Norway is narrow.

Purani: The Germans were ahead of the British at most by twenty-four hours.

Sri Aurobindo: No, they were preparing for two months. The Germans have foresight and organisational power. (after some time) The Theosophical Society’s prophecy about world war in May might come true. The Russians have given an ultimatum to Romania on fourteen points, of which thirteen are non-existent, Romania says, and one is unimportant.

Purani: If war breaks out there, I hope Britain will strike the first blow.

Sri Aurobindo: That will depend on Turkey. She has a pact with Russia not to go to war against her. If Germany attacks, then, of course.

Nirodbaran: Hasn’t Turkey an agreement with the Balkan powers?

Sri Aurobindo: If she has, we don’t know of it. The Balkan powers have an entente, and that is with Bulgaria.

Nirodbaran: These two countries, Russia and Germany, seem to have a sinister scheme between themselves. When one takes Finland, the other keeps quiet. And after Germany takes Norway, Russia goes against Romania.

Sri Aurobindo: Yes.