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Talks with Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1

10 December 1938 – 14 January 1941

2 January 1941

Anilbaran has been trying to introduce The Life Divine as a course of study in Indian universities. Some universities have refused on varying grounds. Others have given hopeful answers. He wants to make the study of religion also a part of the curriculum.

Sri Aurobindo: If he wants to make The Life Divine a textbook for the colleges, I object. It will have worse results than in Manilal’s case. (Laughter)

Anilbaran has made a few drafts of letters to be sent to the universities for that purpose. Sri Aurobindo approved none of them. He remarked that Anilbaran had made The Life Divine a special course of study.

Purani: He wants to make it compulsory.

Sri Aurobindo: Hitlerian? No, what should be done is to introduce a course of Indian philosophy in Indian universities and The Life Divine can come in by the way. It can’t be made a principal subject. (laughing) If it is made a textbook, one indubitable effect will be that the Arya Publishing House will get a lot of money and my private purse will get fat.

Dr. Manilal: In this year’s prayer1, we are expected to be valiant warriors, Sir. I should like to be a warrior, but a warrior, against what? Whom shall I fight?

Sri Aurobindo: Suppose you are sent to Italy as a pilot?

Dr. Manilal: No, Sir. I can only give suggestions.

Sri Aurobindo: You have to fight the hostile forces. But how can you do that without knowing how to use the Force?

Nirodbaran: Dilip says that Ashok Maitra – Heramba Maitra’s son, who has married a famous actress – has asked him for permission for your Darshan.

Sri Aurobindo: Why do all these actors and actresses want to come for Darshan?

Nirodbaran: Dilip says they are very fine people.

Sri Aurobindo: Everybody is fine to Dilip. How old is this Ashok Maitra?

Nirodbaran: My age. We were in the same class in City College.

Sri Aurobindo: You were in City College?

Nirodbaran: Yes, one year.

Sri Aurobindo: Not time enough to be Herambaised?

Nirodbaran: Dilip says many good people from Madras are coming for the Darshan this time – an insurance manager, etc.

Sri Aurobindo: He means high-placed people?

Purani: So others who have come are bad people? (Laughter)

Dr. Manilal: How can bad people come? They won’t get permission.

Sri Aurobindo: Can’t say that.

Dr. Manilal: But all who are permitted to come have the intention of doing Yoga and are fit for Yoga.

Sri Aurobindo: They may be fit but they have no intention.


1 The Mother’s New Year prayer of 1941: “The world is fighting for its spiritual life menaced by the rush of hostile and undivine forces. Lord, we aspire to be Thy valiant warriors so that Thy glory may manifest upon the earth.”
