Sri Aurobindo
The Mother
to Prithwi Singh
Correspondence (1933-1967)
26 August 1934
Prithwi Singh — Sri Aurobindo
Mother and the Master,
I have translated your poem “To the Sea” being encouraged in my previous attempt which you said was good. If I have been able by your Grace to convey in what faint measure even may be possible in translation some of the subtle depths and grandeur of the original that is sufficient — even if it is a failure I do not regret the time spent over it because it helps me so much, by my living — though for a time only — in that profound atmosphere surcharged with an unspeakable strength of your realisation shining through the lines. I am sending the translation and should very much like to know how you like it,
With deep devotion
It is a very good translation indeed.
Sri Aurobindo
26 August 1934
1 Prithwi Singh went on to translate many poems of Sri Aurobindo into Bengali, most of them with his detailed comments and suggestions. These translations are published in Kabita, Natok O Probandho.