Sri Aurobindo
The Mother
to Prithwi Singh
Correspondence (1933-1967)
24 January 1938
Prithwi Singh — Mother
Jatindra1 showed me your letter and he is very willing to take up the work of teaching Sujata. I have spoken to him and from to-day he has begun the work and I have told him to write to you about it in detail. I am much relieved and I feel so grateful to you for all you are doing but outward expression is not adequate and I should concentrate all my efforts more and more towards a thorough self-giving however long may be the way and arduous and I pray to You Mother from the depth of my heart to give me strength to make it effective shattering with your mighty Force without any pity all that bars the way to a complete surrender....
11 September 1937
Prithwi Singh,
I have just received your letter about the necklace.2 Amal wrote to his grandfather informing him about the sale of the necklace as a very good occasion and asking him to buy it
for Lalita.3 The old man replied that Lalita was never moving out of the Ashram and what then could she do with the necklace unless it was simply to have it for admiring it. So you can see that my name never came into the matter. I would never have allowed them to ask it for me.
If you had no debts to pay off or if I were in a position to clear the debts myself for you I would have gladly accepted the necklace, but as it is it seems to me more reasonable to keep to your original plan of selling it.
Hoping all is well with you and the children.
Our love and blessings are with you.
P.S. Your furniture has reached safely and is placed in your room.
24 January 1938
1 Jatindranath Ball, engineer by profession, who stayed many years in the Ashram. Sujata also took English lessons from an English disciple, Pavita (Margaret Aldwinckle).
2 A diamond necklace of Prithwi Singh's late wife, Suhag Kumari.
3 Lalita was Amal Kiran's wife.