Sri Aurobindo
The Harmony of Virtue
Early Cultural Writings — 1890-1910
A Proposed Work on Kalidasa1
Chapter I
Kalidasa's surroundings
Chapter II
Kalidasa and his work
The Malavas — the three ages, Valmiki2...Vyasa... Kalidasa... — surrounding circumstances — materialism3 and sensuousness... the historic method... psychological principles of criticism... variety of Kalidasa's work... probable chronological succession of his works
The House of Raghu; its scope and outline; nature of the poem; descriptive epic of later Hindu civilisation; its limitations. Qualities of verse, diction, similes. Description. Sentiment; pathos and eloquence. Relative merits of later and earlier cantos. Comparison of Kalidasa's pathos and Bhavabhuti's
The Cloud-Messenger.
Kalidasa's treatment of the supernatural... substance of the poem... chastened style... perfection of the harmony... moderation and restraint... pathos and passion
The Drama before Kalidasa; elements of Hindu drama... the three plays, studies of one subject
The Agnimitra — its plot; perfection of dramatic workmanship; Kalidasa's method of characterisation; the characters; dramatic style. Relation of the Agnimitra to the Raghu
The Urvasie... dramatic workmanship and conception; character of the poetry; relation to Meghaduta
Chapter X, XI, XII
The Shacountala
Retrospect... poetic greatness of Kalidasa; comparison4 with other classical writers
Hindu civilisation in the...5 Kalidasa (This may go with Raghu or Kumara)
Later edition of this work: The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo.- Set in 37 volumes.- Volume 1.- Early Cultural Writings (1890 — 1910).- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2003.- 784 p.
1 A number of chapters in this proposed work on Kalidasa were written fully or in part, as is evident from the foregoing pages, i.e. The Seasons, The Characters, The Hindu Drama, etc. Some chapters, however, if we may judge from internal references, seem to have been lost.
2 2003 ed.: Valmekie
3 2003 ed.: Kalidasa... materialism
4 2003 ed.: comparisons
5 Text illegible here. In the edition of 2003 year however: time of