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A Vedic Hymn

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O Sun, O Light, because today blameless in thy rising thou hast declared the Truth to the Lord of Love and the Lord of Purity, so may we abide in the godhead, dear to thee, O Mother infinite, dear to thee, O Lord of Strength, in all our speaking. O Mitra, O Varuna, this is he that seeth for the soul, the Sun that rises over earth and heaven in the pervading wideness, and he guards all that is in motion and all that is stable; for he beholds the straight things and the crooked in mortals. Seven shining energies has this Bright One yoked today in the world of our achievement and they bear him on in their clarity, and he beholds the homes of the soul and the places of its birth like a herdsman who watches over his herds.

Upward rise your honied satisfactions; for our sun has climbed into the ocean of pure Light and for him the Children of the Infinite hew out his paths, even the Lord of Love and the Lord of Strength and the Lord of Purity in one harmony. These are they that discern and separate all the much falsehood in us; they the Lords of Love and Strength and Purity. These grow in the house of Truth, puissant and unvanquished Sons of the Infinite. These are the Love and the Purity hard to repress who by their discernings give knowledge to him who has no knowledge; they bring to him their impulses of a will that has right vision and they lead him by the good path beyond the evil. These with sleepless eyes see and know in his earth for man that is ignorant and lead him: in his forward faring he comes to the fathomless pit in the river, yet shall they bear him across to the other shore of this wideness. The peace and the protection and the happiness which the infinite Mother and the Lords of Love and Purity give to the servant of the sacrifice, in that let us found all our creation and building, let us do no violence to the godhead, O ye swift Wayfarers.

He whom the Lord of Purity upholds, puts away from his altar by the powers of sacrifice whatsoever hurters: cut away, O Lord of Strength, from the servant of the sacrifice the hurt and the division, form in him that vast other world, O givers of the abundance. A blazing strength and a world of illumination is the coming together of these Godheads and they overcome by their near and approaching force. Lo, we quiver with the fear of you; set us at ease by the greatness of your discerning. For when a man by sacrifice wins right-mindedness in the getting of the plenitude, in the conquest of the supreme Felicity, the strong Warriors, the Lords of the Treasure cleave to his heart of emotion and they form there the Vast for his dwelling-place making it of a perfect temper. For you we have made in front this work of the divine representative in our sacrifices; lead us safe through all difficult places. Keep us always with constant felicities.


यद॒द्य सू॑र्य॒ ब्रवोऽना॑गा उ॒द्यन्मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय स॒त्यम् ।

व॒यं दे॑व॒त्रादि॑ते स्याम॒ तव॑ प्रि॒यासो॑ अर्यमन्गृ॒णन्त॑: ॥१॥

yat adya sūrya bravaḥ anāgāḥ ut-yan mitrāya varuṇāya satyam

vayam deva-trā adite syāma tava priyāsaḥ aryaman gṛṇantaḥ

O Sun, O Light, because today blameless in thy rising thou hast declared the Truth to the Lord of Love and the Lord of Purity, so may we abide in the godhead, dear to thee, O Mother infinite, dear to thee, O Lord of Strength, in all our speaking.


ए॒ष स्य मि॑त्रावरुणा नृ॒चक्षा॑ उ॒भे उदे॑ति॒ सूर्यो॑ अ॒भि ज्मन् ।

विश्व॑स्य स्था॒तुर्जग॑तश्च गो॒पा ऋ॒जु मर्ते॑षु वृजि॒ना च॒ पश्य॑न् ॥२॥

eṣaḥ syaḥ mitrāvaruṇā nṛ-cakṣāḥ ubhe iti ut eti sūryaḥ abhi jman

viśvasya sthātuḥ jagataḥ ca gopāḥ ṛju marteṣu vṛjinā ca paśyan

O Mitra, O Varuna, this is he that seeth for the soul, the Sun that rises over earth and heaven in the pervading wideness, and he guards all that is in motion and all that is stable; for he beholds the straight things and the crooked in mortals.


अयु॑क्त स॒प्त ह॒रितः॑ स॒धस्था॒द्या ईं॒ वह॑न्ति॒ सूर्यं॑ घृ॒ताची॑: ।

धामा॑नि मित्रावरुणा यु॒वाकु॒: सं यो यू॒थेव॒ जनि॑मानि॒ चष्टे॑ ॥३॥

ayukta sapta haritaḥ sadha-sthāt yāḥ īm vahanti sūryam ghṛtācīḥ

dhāmāni mitrāvaruṇā yuvākuḥ sam yaḥ yūthā-iva janimāni caṣṭe

Seven shining energies has this Bright One yoked today in the world of our achievement and they bear him on in their clarity, and he beholds the homes of the soul and the places of its birth like a herdsman who watches over his herds.


उद्वां॑ पृ॒क्षासो॒ मधु॑मन्तो अस्थु॒रा सूर्यो॑ अरुहच्छु॒क्रमर्ण॑: ।

यस्मा॑ आदि॒त्या अध्व॑नो॒ रद॑न्ति मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा वरु॑णः स॒जोषा॑: ॥४॥

ut vām pṛkṣāsaḥ madhu-mantaḥ asthuḥ ā sūryaḥ aruhat śukram arṇaḥ

yasmai ādityāḥ adhvanaḥ radanti mitraḥ aryamā varuṇaḥ sa-joṣāḥ

Upward rise your honied satisfactions; for our sun has climbed into the ocean of pure Light and for him the Children of the Infinite hew out his paths, even the Lord of Love and the Lord of Strength and the Lord of Purity in one harmony.


इ॒मे चे॒तारो॒ अनृ॑तस्य॒ भूरे॑र्मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा वरु॑णो॒ हि सन्ति॑ ।

इ॒म ऋ॒तस्य॑ वावृधुर्दुरो॒णे श॒ग्मासः॑ पु॒त्रा अदि॑ते॒रद॑ब्धाः ॥५॥

ime cetāraḥ anṛtasya bhūreḥ mitraḥ aryamā varuṇaḥ hi santi

ime ṛtasya vavṛdhuḥ duroṇe śagmāsaḥ putrāḥ aditeḥ adabdhāḥ

These are they that discern and separate all the much falsehood in us; they are the Lords of Love and Strength and Purity. These grow in the house of Truth, puissant and unvanquished Sons of the Infinite.


इ॒मे मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो दू॒ळभा॑सोऽचे॒तसं॑ चिच्चितयन्ति॒ दक्षै॑: ।

अपि॒ क्रतुं॑ सु॒चेत॑सं॒ वत॑न्तस्ति॒रश्चि॒दंहः॑ सु॒पथा॑ नयन्ति ॥६॥

ime mitraḥ varuṇaḥ duḥ-dabhāsaḥ acetasam cit citayanti dakṣaiḥ

api kratum sucetasam vatantaḥ tiraḥ cit aṃhaḥ su-pathā nayanti

These are the Love and the Purity hard to repress who by their discernings give knowledge to him who has no knowledge; they bring to him their impulses of a will that has right vision and they lead him by the good path beyond the evil.


इ॒मे दि॒वो अनि॑मिषा पृथि॒व्याश्चि॑कि॒त्वांसो॑ अचे॒तसं॑ नयन्ति ।

प्र॒व्रा॒जे चि॑न्न॒द्यो॑ गा॒धम॑स्ति पा॒रं नो॑ अ॒स्य वि॑ष्पि॒तस्य॑ पर्षन् ॥७॥

ime divaḥ ani-miṣā pṛthivyāḥ cikitvāṃsaḥ acetasam nayanti

pra-vrāje cit nadyaḥ gādham asi pāram naḥ asya viṣpitasya parṣan

These with sleepless eyes see and know in his earth for man that is ignorant and lead him: in his forward faring he comes to the fathomless pit in the river, yet shall they bear him across to the other shore of this wideness.


यद्गो॒पाव॒ददि॑ति॒: शर्म॑ भ॒द्रं मि॒त्रो यच्छ॑न्ति॒ वरु॑णः सु॒दासे॑ ।

तस्मि॒न्ना तो॒कं तन॑यं॒ दधा॑ना॒ मा क॑र्म देव॒हेळ॑नं तुरासः ॥८॥

yat gopāvat aditiḥ śarma bhadram mitraḥ yacchanti varuṇaḥ su-dāse

tasmin ā tokam tanayam dadhānāḥ mā karma deva-heḷanam turāsaḥ

The peace and the protection and the happiness which the infinite Mother and the Lords of Love and Purity give to the servant of the sacrifice, in that let us found all our creation and building, let us do no violence to the godhead, O ye swift Wayfarers.


अव॒ वेदिं॒ होत्रा॑भिर्यजेत॒ रिप॒: काश्चि॑द्वरुण॒ध्रुत॒: सः ।

परि॒ द्वेषो॑भिरर्य॒मा वृ॑णक्तू॒रुं सु॒दासे॑ वृषणा उ लो॒कम् ॥९॥

ava vedim hotrābhiḥ yajeta ripaḥ kāḥ cit varuṇa-dhrutaḥ saḥ

pari dveṣaḥbhiḥ aryamā vṛṇaktu urum su-dāse vṛṣaṇau ūm̐ iti lokam

He whom the Lord of Purity upholds, puts away from his altar by the powers of sacrifice whatsoever hurters: cut away, O Lord of Strength, from the servant of the sacrifice the hurt and the division, form in him that vast other world, O givers of the abundance.


स॒स्वश्चि॒द्धि समृ॑तिस्त्वे॒ष्ये॑षामपी॒च्ये॑न॒ सह॑सा॒ सह॑न्ते ।

यु॒ष्मद्भि॒या वृ॑षणो॒ रेज॑माना॒ दक्ष॑स्य चिन्महि॒ना मृ॒ळता॑ नः ॥१०॥

sasvariti cit hi sam-ṛtiḥ tveṣī eṣām apīcyena sahasā sahante

yuṣmat bhiyā vṛṣaṇaḥ rejamānāḥ dakṣasya cit mahinā mṛḷata naḥ

A blazing strength and a world of illumination is the coming together of these Godheads and they overcome by their near and approaching force. Lo, we quiver with the fear of you; set us at ease by the greatness of your discerning.


यो ब्रह्म॑णे सुम॒तिमा॒यजा॑ते॒ वाज॑स्य सा॒तौ प॑र॒मस्य॑ रा॒यः ।

सीक्ष॑न्त म॒न्युं म॒घवा॑नो अ॒र्य उ॒रु क्षया॑य चक्रिरे सु॒धातु॑ ॥११॥

yaḥ brahmaṇe su-matim ā-yajāte vājasya sātau paramasya rāyaḥ

sīkṣanta manyum magha-vānaḥ aryaḥ uru kṣayāya cakrire su-dhātu

For when a man by sacrifice wins right-mindedness in the getting of the plenitude, in the conquest of the supreme Felicity, the strong Warriors, the Lords of the Treasure cleave to his heart of emotion and they form there the Vast for his dwelling-place making it of a perfect temper.


इ॒यं दे॑व पु॒रोहि॑तिर्यु॒वभ्यां॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ मित्रावरुणावकारि ।

विश्वा॑नि दु॒र्गा पि॑पृतं ति॒रो नो॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभि॒: सदा॑ नः ॥१२॥

iyam deva puraḥ-hitiḥ yuva-bhyām yajñeṣu mitrāvaruṇau akāri

viśvāni duḥ-gā pipṛtam tiraḥ naḥ yūyam pāta svastibhiḥ sadā naḥ

For you we have made in front this work of the divine representative in our sacrifices; lead us safe through all difficult places. Keep us always with constant felicities.


1 Arya, vol. 2, No 1; CWSA, volume 15: they are
